Provisions On The Registration And Administration Of Imported Food (Meat)Production Enterprises Abroad

The 2018-02-28 though

Overseas producers, processing and storage enterprises that export food to China need to apply for registration and accept supervision and management in China.

The general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine of the People’s Republic of China shall administer the registration of foreign producers of imported food.

The Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China shall organize the registration, supervision and administration of enterprises producing imported food abroad.

The list of implementation of registration of imported food production enterprises abroad shall be formulated and adjusted by the cnca and promulgated by the aqsiq.

  1. Registration Conditions And Procedures:

(1) veterinary service system, plant protection system and public health management system related to registration in the country (region) where the enterprise is located have passed the evaluation;

(2) the raw materials of animals and plants used in food exported to China shall come from non-epidemic areas; Where the food exported to China may be at risk of transmission of animal or plant epidemics, the competent authorities of the country (region) where the enterprise is located shall provide certificates certifying the elimination or control of the risks and relevant scientific materials.

(3) the enterprise shall be approved by the relevant competent authorities of the country (region) where it is located and under its effective supervision, and its sanitary conditions shall conform to the relevant provisions of Chinese laws, regulations, standards and norms.

Ii. Other Materials Submitted:

(a) the country (region) related to the animal or plant epidemic, veterinary health, public health, plant protection and pesticide veterinary drug residues, food production enterprise registration management and requirement of laws and regulations, the competent authorities of the country (region) institutional setup and personnel situation and law execution of written materials;

(2) the list of overseas food production enterprises that have applied for registration;

(3) assessment of the actual situation of quarantine and sanitation control of the enterprise recommended by the competent authorities of the country (region) where the enterprise is located;

(4) a statement by the competent authority of the country (region) where the enterprise is recommended to comply with the requirements of Chinese laws and regulations;

(5) the application for registration of the enterprise, and if necessary, the plan of the factory area, workshop, cold storage, process flow chart, etc.

The cnca shall organize relevant experts or designated agencies to examine the materials submitted by the competent authorities of the countries (regions) where the overseas food production enterprises are located or by other prescribed means.

Personnel engaged in assessment shall pass the examination and approval of the cnca.

The review group shall complete the review work in accordance with the review procedures and requirements for different categories of products in the catalog, and submit the review report to the cnca. The cnca shall, in accordance with working procedures, examine the evaluation report and decide whether to register or not. If it meets the registration requirements, it shall be registered and notified in writing to the competent authorities of the country (region) where the overseas food production enterprise is located; If registration is not allowed, the competent authorities of the country (region) where the foreign food production enterprise is located shall be notified in writing and the reasons shall be explained.

The cnca shall regularly and uniformly publish the list of registered foreign food producers and submit it to the aqsiq.

  1. The Registration Period Is 4 years.

If an overseas food production enterprise needs to extend its registration, it shall, one year prior to the expiration of the registration period, apply to the cnca for extending its registration through the competent authorities of the country (region) where it is located or through other prescribed means.

Where an application for renewal of registration is not filed within the time limit, the cnca shall cancel its registration and make it known to the public.

Vi. In case of any change in the registered items of an overseas food production enterprise that has been registered, it shall, through the competent authorities of the country (region) where the enterprise is located or through other prescribed means, timely notify the cnca, which shall deal with the change according to the specific situation and report the matter to the aqsiq.

The registered foreign food production enterprises shall truthfully mark the registration number on the outer package of the food they export to China.