Chapter iii Export Inspection and Quarantine

Article 23 export meat products shall be subject to supervision and random inspection by the inspection and quarantine institutions, and shall be released by the customs on the strength of the customs clearance certificate issued by the inspection and quarantine institutions.

Article 24 inspection and quarantine institutions shall carry out inspection and quarantine on export meat products according to the following requirements:

(1) import the inspection and quarantine requirements of the state or region;

(2) inspection and quarantine requirements as stipulated in the inspection and quarantine agreements, protocols and memoranda signed by the Chinese government with the importing countries or regions;

(3) inspection and quarantine requirements stipulated by Chinese laws, administrative regulations and the general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine;

(4) import the quality, quantity, weight, packaging and other requirements of the state or region;

(5) inspection and quarantine requirements specified in the trade contract.

Article 25 the inspection and quarantine institutions shall, in accordance with the provisions on the record keeping administration of the producers of export food products, implement the record keeping administration of the producers of export meat products.

If the importing country or region has registration requirements for the production enterprises of Chinese export meat products and it is necessary to recommend the registered enterprises to foreign countries, relevant provisions of the aqsiq shall be implemented.

Article 26 the animals used in the processing of export meat products shall come from the farms registered with the inspection and quarantine institutions.

The inspection and quarantine institutions shall, on the basis of risk analysis, monitor animal epidemics, agricultural and veterinary drug residues, environmental pollutants and other toxic and harmful substances in the record farms. Animals that have not passed quarantine inspection or have failed to pass the inspection of epidemic diseases, residues of agricultural and veterinary drugs or other toxic and harmful substances shall not be used for slaughter or processing of export meat products.

Article 27 a record-keeping farm or slaughterhouse of an animal used for processing export meat products shall issue a supply certificate for each batch of raw materials for export meat products produced by it.

Article 28 an enterprise producing meat export products shall, in accordance with the requirements of the importing country or region, establish a traceability automatic control system for quality safety in the whole process of the raw and auxiliary materials, production, processing, storage, transportation and export of the meat export products.

Enterprises producing export meat products shall be equipped with full-time or part-time veterinary health and food safety management personnel.

Article 29 the producer of export meat products shall establish an inspection record system for the purchase of raw materials and check the attached supply certificates of raw materials. The inspection records shall be authentic and shall be kept for no less than two years.

The producer of export meat products shall establish an ex-factory inspection record system to check the inspection certificate and safety status of ex-factory meat products, and truthfully record the name, specification, quantity, production date, production batch number, inspection certificate number, buyer’s name and contact information, and sales date of its meat products.

The record of ex-factory inspection of meat products shall be true and shall be kept for not less than two years.

Article 30 the production enterprises of export meat products shall conduct self-inspection on the raw and auxiliary materials and finished products used in the processing of export meat products.

Article 31 inspection and quarantine institutions shall, on the basis of risk analysis, carry out sampling inspection of pathogenic microorganisms, residues of agricultural and veterinary drugs, environmental pollutants and other toxic and harmful substances in export meat products, and verify and supervise the quality and safety control system in the whole process of production and processing of export meat.

Article 32 the materials used in the packaging of export meat products shall conform to the food safety standards, the labels on the packaging shall be in accordance with the requirements of the importing country or region, and the destination country or region shall be indicated on the transport packaging.

Article 33 the inspection and quarantine institutions may, when necessary, send official veterinarians or inspection and quarantine personnel to the production enterprises of export meat products to supervise and administer the production enterprises of export meat products.

Article 34 the consignor or his agent shall, before the shipment of the export meat products, apply to the inspection and quarantine organ in the place where the production enterprise of the export meat products is located in accordance with the provisions of the aqsiq on inspection.

Article 35 the means of transport for exporting meat products shall have good sealing performance and refrigeration equipment, and the loading method shall effectively avoid contamination of the meat products, ensure the temperature conditions required in the process of transportation, and shall be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with the provisions and shall be recorded.

The consignor shall ensure that the goods shipped are in conformity with those declared for inspection and shall keep good shipping records.

Article 36 the inspection and quarantine institutions shall examine the inspection reports and shipping records of the export meat products submitted for inspection, and assess their conformity in light of the daily supervision, monitoring and random inspection. If the relevant requirements are met, relevant inspection and quarantine certificates shall be issued; If it fails to meet the specified requirements, a notice of disqualification shall be issued.

Article 37 the inspection and quarantine institutions may, when necessary, add inspection and quarantine marks or seals to the export meat products, packages and means of transport that have passed the inspection and quarantine according to relevant regulations.

Article 38 transshipment refrigerated warehouses storing export meat products shall be put on record by the local inspection and quarantine institutions and be subject to supervision and administration.

Export meat products shall be declared to the local inspection and quarantine institution when they arrive at the transshipment refrigerated storage. The inspection and quarantine institution in the place where the transit cold storage is located shall supervise the entry of export meat products according to the inspection and quarantine certificate issued by the inspection and quarantine institution in the place where the production enterprise is located.

Article 39 frozen meat products for export shall be exported within six months after production and processing, and chilled meat products shall be exported within 72 hours after production and processing. If the importing country or region has other requirements, such requirements shall be complied with.

Article 40 wildlife used for the processing of export meat products shall conform to the requirements of the importing country or region and the relevant laws and regulations of China, and shall be approved by the relevant administrative departments of the state.