Measures for supervision and administration of inspection and quarantine of import and export meat products

The 2018-05-03 16:54

Chapter I general provisions

Article 1 with a view to strengthening the meat products import and export inspection and quarantine and supervision and management, to ensure the safety of meat products import and export quality, prevent the outbreak of animal passing to the border, to protect agricultural production safety and human health, according to the law of the People’s Republic of China on import and export commodity inspection and its implementation regulations, the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine law of the People’s Republic of China “and its implementation regulations, the law of the People’s Republic of China on frontier health and quarantine law” and its implementing rules, the food safety law of the People’s Republic of China and its implementing regulations, the state council on strengthening food and product safety supervision and management of special provisions “and other laws and regulations, These measures are formulated.

Article 2 these measures are applicable to the inspection, quarantine, supervision and administration of import and export meat products.

Article 3 the term “meat products” as mentioned in these measures refers to any part of the carcass of an animal that can be eaten by human beings, including the carcass, viscera, by-products and products made from the above-mentioned products, excluding canned products.

Article 4 the general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine of the state (hereinafter referred to as aqsiq) shall be in charge of the inspection, quarantine, supervision and administration of import and export meat products throughout the country.

The entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions set up by the aqsiq (hereinafter referred to as the inspection and quarantine institutions) are responsible for the inspection and quarantine, supervision and administration of import and export meat products in their respective regions.

Article 5 inspection and quarantine institutions shall, in accordance with the law, carry out inspection and quarantine, supervision and spot check on imported and exported meat products, and implement a credit management and classified management system on the production and processing enterprises (hereinafter referred to as production enterprises), consignees and consignors of imported and exported meat products according to the requirements of supervision.

Article 6 production enterprises of import and export meat products shall, in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and relevant standards, engage in production and business operations, be responsible to the society and the public, ensure the quality and safety of meat products, accept social supervision and assume social responsibilities.