Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China

Chapter II Investment Promotion

Article 9

Foreign-invested enterprises may, in accordance with the law, equally enjoy the State policies concerning the support of enterprise development.

Article 10

Before the formulation of laws, regulations and rules related to foreign investment, appropriate measures shall be taken to solicit opinions and suggestions from foreign-invested enterprises.

Normative and adjudicative documents related to foreign investment shall, according to law, be made public in a timely manner.

Article 11

The State establishes and improves a system serving foreign investment to provide consultation and services to foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises on laws and regulations, policy measures, and investment project information.

Article 12

The State establishes multilateral and bilateral investment promotion cooperation mechanisms with other countries and regions and international organizations, and strengthens international exchanges and cooperation in the field of investment.

Article 13

The State may establish special economic zones where needed, or adopt experimental policies and measures for foreign investment in selected regions with a view to promoting foreign investment and expanding opening-up.

Article 14

The State may, in accordance with the needs of national economic and social development, encourage and guide foreign investors to invest in specific industries, sectors and regions. Foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises may enjoy preferential treatment in accordance with laws, administrative regulations or the provisions of the State Council.

Article 15

The State ensures that foreign-invested enterprises have equal access to the standard-setting work according to law, and strengthens information disclosure and social supervision regarding standard-setting.

The mandatory standards set forth by the State are equally applicable to foreign-invested enterprises.

Article 16

The State ensures that foreign-invested enterprises have equal access to government procurement through fair competition in accordance with the law. Products and services provided by foreign-invested enterprises within the territory of China are equally treated in government procurement in accordance with law.

Article 17

Foreign-invested enterprises may, in accordance with the law, finance through public offering of stocks, corporate bonds and other securities.

Article 18

Local people’s governments at or above the county level may, in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations and local regulations, formulate policies and measures for foreign investment promotion and facilitation within their statutory competence.

Article 19

The people’s governments at all levels and their relevant departments shall, in accordance with the principles of facilitation, efficiency and transparency, simplify procedures, improve efficiency, optimize government services, and further improve the level of foreign investment services.

The relevant competent authorities shall prepare and publish foreign investment guidelines to provide services and facilities to foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises.