Tully Williams is the parts and service director at Niello Co., based in Sacramento, Calif.
First car: 1965 Chevy Impala.
First concert you attended: Willie Nelson.
Name a pet peeve: Negativity.
Most thrilling/adventurous thing you’ve done: Rock climbing.
Your personal hero (and why): My grandfathers.
First job: Apprentice tech.
Something on your bucket list: A vacation with NO access to the world.
One thing you learned on the job you never forgot: IT’S ALL ABOUT HOURS!
If you could pick up a new skill, what would it be? Better time management.
3 people you’d invite to dinner, living or dead: Bill Gates, John Rockefeller, Henry Ford.
What did you want to be when you were a kid? Builder.
You’re king for a day. What’s your first order? YOU MUST BE POSITIVE!!!!
First album/CD you bought: Journey.
Favorite comfort food: Burgers.
Favorite line from a movie: “Bond. James Bond.”