Lisa McIntyre is CEO of the Greater Pittsburgh Automobile Dealers Association.

First car: Pontiac Sunbird

First concert: Shaun Cassidy (Yep, I am that old.)

Pet peeve: Adults using emojis

Most thrilling/adventurous thing you’ve done: I threw out the first pitch at a Pittsburgh Pirates game.

Personal hero: My mom. She is 88 and still inspires me every day.

First job: Making burgers at Wendy’s

Something on your bucket list: Sitting in the gallery at the Waste Management Open

One thing you learned on the job you never forgot: In sales, merely following up sets you apart from the majority of the competition.

Three people you’d invite to dinner, living or dead: My dad (deceased), my husband and my daughter … there is no one I would rather have at my dinner table!

What did you want to be when you were a kid? Newspaper reporter (Yep, I am that old.)

Do you collect anything? Only memories. I hate clutter.

You’re queen for a day. What’s your first order? Be nicer to each other or suffer the consequences.

Most important room in your house: Family room — fireplace, TV, comfy chairs and conversation

Favorite comfort food: My husband’s Mississippi pot roast

Favorite line from a movie: “You know, we just don’t recognize the most significant moments of our lives while they’re happening.” — Moonlight Graham in Field of Dreams