I still remember the day my bank failed and was seized by the federal government. It was more than 30 years ago, and I was there when it happened.
Back in 1991, I was a college student in Buffalo, N.Y. After getting paid from my work-study job one Friday, I trekked downtown to Gold Dome Bank's palatial, early-20th-century flagship branch to make a deposit. While waiting in line, federal agents shockingly marched in, announced the seizure and told customers to go home.
My bank collapsed at the height of the savings-and-loan crisis and I was a hapless customer caught in the middle of it.
After some angst and more than a little panic, I learned a rival bank would take over my institution's downtown branch and many of its other locations, with plans to reopen them the following Monday. While I'd spend the weekend cash poor, in a few days I could deposit my check and access all my funds. Life would go on.
I thought about this while working on an Automo…