A majority of service customers know their adviser and/or technician by name, according to a DealerRater survey conducted for Fixed Ops Journal in September.
Customers were asked whether they knew the names of the service department staff the last time they brought their vehicle in for repair or maintenance. More than half of respondents spread across both luxury and mass- market brands responded they did know the name of either their adviser or technician before showing up for their service appointment. A little more than 40 percent replied they didn’t know their adviser or technician beforehand.
Fixed ops trainers and consultants say the goal for advisers is to provide such good service that customers ask for them by name each visit. Likewise, technicians should look to make a connection with their video multi-point inspections so customers will request them by name.
Q: The last time you brought your vehicle into the dealership for service, did you know the name of your adviser or technician before you arrived?
Yes: 58%
No: 42%
Source: DealerRater survey conducted Sept. 15-23 of 12,873 consumers who visited new-vehicle dealerships