Here are highlights from the latest episodes of ‘Daily Drive’, Automotive News‘ weekday podcast, Nov. 14-16, hosted by Jamie Butters with Kellen Walker.

“It’s not about ratting you out to your boss. It’s really about warning you in real time as you’re about to fall asleep or as you’re looking at your phone and something dangerous comes up.”Stefan Heck, CEO of Nauto, on how the company’s AI cloud data platform can be used to crack down on drowsy driving for fleets

“We’ve got more automakers back, we’ve got more activations, more street drives, indoor rides, than really in the history of our show. And this year is going to really set the precedent for auto shows to come for us.”David Fortin, vice president of marketing for the Los Angeles Auto Show

“We’re going back to our model on the Model A and the Rouge, where we insource motors and gearboxes and … [the EV] equivalent to axles. … We’re going back to where we were at the beginning of the century. Why? Because that’s where the value creation is.”Jim Farley, CEO of Ford Motor Co., who says insourcing work from suppliers will be crucial to keeping jobs at the automaker as the industry shifts to EVs

To listen to all episodes of ‘Daily Drive’, go to