Just about every powertrain configuration has been offered in regular production vehicles except one: the wheel hub motor.
It's not been for lack of trying, though.
For example, General Motors early this century tinkered with a Chevrolet S-10 pickup powered by an electric motor in each wheel. The effort was abandoned when engineers could not solve three problems: reducing unsprung weight, effectively sealing the motor against the elements and maintaining proper operating temperature.
In the 15 years since GM built the electric S-10, wheel hub motor technology has improved, and now, if all goes according to plan, the Lordstown Endurance electric truck will introduce wheel hub motors about a year from now.
The Endurance also uses a motor in each wheel to provide full-time four-wheel drive. It will be the only truck on the market that does not use any of these parts: a transmission, axles, transfer case, driveshaft, U-join…