Between ongoing talent shortages, inflation concerns and vehicle affordability worries, operating a dealership has arguably never been more challenging — and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier anytime soon.
Although dealers have made record profits in the last couple of years, getting back to the brass tacks of controlling expenses and maximizing profitability is a must in our current market. One strategy that dealers may overlook but that can be a significant revenue stream is labor and parts warranty reimbursement at retail.
Our internal research reveals the average dealer can add $100,000 to $200,000 in annual gross profit when reimbursed at its client repair rate for warranty repairs. Why isn't every dealer jumping on this bandwagon? That's where things get complicated.
Nearly all states have legislation entitling dealers to be reimbursed at retail, but state statutes often are couched in the kind of legalese that make t…