ST. LOUIS, MO., JAN. 30, 2023 (PRWEB) Wise F&I rolled out a unique product offering that includes tire and wheel protection plus appearance coverage benefits. This versatile program is called TIREWise PLUS. At its core, some standout benefits may include the following: Road Hazard Tire & Wheel, Emergency Roadside Assistance, Alternative Transportation, Key/Key Fob Replacement, Paintless Dent Repair, Exterior Surface Protection, Interior Surface Protection, and Windshield Protection. Wise F&I has been working hard to create a key product to give the end-consumer a bundled protection program that will help keep their vehicle looking like new.
“We wanted to bring together the best of both worlds,” said Matt Croak, President and Chief Executive Officer, Wise F&I. “By carefully constructing a top-notch program that includes both tire and wheel protection and appearance benefits, we knew that we would have the best-in-class product at a great value. Here at …