Mobileye finds successful route to autonomous driving tech” and “Mobileye pitches new autonomous vehicle taxonomy” (, Sept. 7) encapsulate exactly why the industry has coalesced around the SAE Levels of Driving Automation.

Firstly, the “eyes-on/hands-off” suggestion as a pseudo-Level 2 feature is extremely problematic, as research in driver-monitoring systems has shown that a combination of factors indicate driver disengagement from the driving task, and hands off the wheel is a key one. Secondly, the Mobileye Chauffeur system is described as an “eyes-off/hands-off” system, yet it “would fit in either the Level 2 or Level 3 automated driving definitions as written by SAE International.” This is clearly incorrect, as Level 2 features and systems require the driver to complete the dynamic driving task at all times, and so they would never be “eyes-off.”

The SAE levels are not simple, and the SAE On-Road Automated Driving Committee is revising them to simplify, update and correct any inconsistencies. But they are the global standard for driving automation taxonomy and nomenclature, and suggestions from individual industry players make the situation less, not more, clear.

I would recommend that anyone with suggestions join the committee to help improve the SAE levels and make a constructive contribution.

JEFFREY WISHART, Science Foundation Arizona fellow, Arizona Commerce Authority, Phoenix
The writer leads research in advanced mobility areas of connected and automated vehicles, zero-emission vehicles and micromobility.