Roger Conant is an account executive with the Ted Ings Fixed Ops Roundtable and founder of the Women in the Service Lane initiative that promotes the recruiting and hiring of women in fixed-ops positions, such as service advisers.
First car: Chevrolet Vega (that I bought on my own)
First concert you attended: Beatles (first U.S. visit at old Houston Coliseum)
Name a pet peeve: People saying “no problem”
Most thrilling/adventurous thing you’ve done: Drove from Newark airport to the far eastern tip of Long Island at 2 a.m. in the blowing snow!
Your personal hero, and why: Tom Peters, business consultant
First job: In the mailroom for a travel map company that provided service for oil companies
Something on your bucket list: Would like to make it back to Jamaica for our 60th wedding anniversary
One thing you learned on the job you never forgot: Always try to be early for appointments (from my dad)
If you could pick up a new skill, what would it be? Be more social media-savvy
3 people you’d invite to dinner, living or dead: Business consultant Tom Peters, hockey great Gordie Howe and Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward
What did you want to be when you were a kid? Some form of TV or radio producer or director
Do you collect anything? Baseball cards, but bad memories there because I sold them before I had grandkids
You’re king for a day. What’s your first order? For every alcoholic to discover and stick with AA
First album you bought: Ray Conniff
Favorite comfort food: Bread pudding, meatloaf, chicken fried steak