Jimmy Powell is the fixed operations director at Horne Auto Group in Gilbert, Ariz.

First car: Dodge Avenger (trash)

First concert you attended: Linkin Park

Name a pet peeve: Professionally, an unprofessional service adviser 🙂

Most thrilling/adventurous thing you’ve done: Nothing stands out; this question made me realize how boring I am.

Your personal hero: Jesus Christ

First job: Lifeguard

Something on your bucket list: Wouldn’t mind traveling to a few different football stadiums to watch our Arizona Cardinals.

One thing you learned on the job you never forgot: As a manager, we are to remove obstacles for our employees.

If you could pick up a new skill, what would it be? Woodwork/framing

What did you want to be when you were a kid? NFL quarterback

Do you collect anything? Baseball cards

You’re king for a day — what’s your first order? Take care of some people in need.

First album/CD you bought: “The Chronic” by Dr. Dre

Favorite comfort food: Vietnamese pho

Who’s on your Spotify playlist? John Mayer, Matt Maher, Andy Mineo