Import-Export Inspection Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Import Inspection And Quarantine Article 7 imported meat products shall conform to the requirements of Chinese laws, administrative regulations and national food safety standards, as well as the inspection and quarantine requirements specified in the relevant agreements, protocols and memoranda signed between China and the exporting countries or regions and the quarantine requirements specified in the trade contracts. For the import of meat products without the national food safety standards, the consignee shall submit to the inspection and quarantine institution the license certificate issued by the health administration department under the State Council. Article 8 the state quality supervision, inspection and quarantine according to Chinese laws, administrative rules and regulations, the national food safety standards, epidemic disease of meat products at home and abroad, and risk analysis of toxic and harmful substances as a result, the combination of qua…
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Import-Export Inspection Chapter I

Measures for supervision and administration of inspection and quarantine of import and export meat products The 2018-05-03 16:54 Chapter I general provisions Article 1 with a view to strengthening the meat products import and export inspection and quarantine and supervision and management, to ensure the safety of meat products import and export quality, prevent the outbreak of animal passing to the border, to protect agricultural production safety and human health, according to the law of the People's Republic of China on import and export commodity inspection and its implementation regulations, the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine law of the People's Republic of China "and its implementation regulations, the law of the People's Republic of China on frontier health and quarantine law" and its implementing rules, the food safety law of the People's Republic of China and its implementing regulations, the state council on strengthening food and product safety su…
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Provisions On The Registration

Provisions On The Registration And Administration Of Imported Food (Meat)Production Enterprises Abroad The 2018-02-28 though Overseas producers, processing and storage enterprises that export food to China need to apply for registration and accept supervision and management in China. The general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine of the People's Republic of China shall administer the registration of foreign producers of imported food. The Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China shall organize the registration, supervision and administration of enterprises producing imported food abroad. The list of implementation of registration of imported food production enterprises abroad shall be formulated and adjusted by the cnca and promulgated by the aqsiq. Registration Conditions And Procedures: (1) veterinary service system, plant protection system and public health management system related …
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Procedures For The Entry Registration

Procedures for the Entry Registration of Imported Meat Production Enterprises Abroad The 2018-02-27 beginning The overseas production enterprises of imported meat need to put on record and publish on the website of cnca before they can import. Specific access procedures are as follows: Step 1: the intended exporting country shall apply in writing to aqsiq for exporting meat products to China. China will decide whether to start the access procedure based on the animal epidemic situation of the intended exporting country. If so, it will submit the risk assessment questionnaire of relevant meat products to the exporting country. Step 2: the intended exporting country shall reply to the questionnaire and provide relevant technical information, including the veterinary health and public health laws and regulations, organizational structure, veterinary service system, quality management system, production mode, safety and health control system, etc.; Step 3: cnca re…
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Foreign Investment Negative List

Negative List 2019 Edition "Special Administrative Measures for Admission of Foreign Investment (Negative List)" (The following is a summary of the "Negative List of Foreign Investment Access") lists the requirements of equity and senior management in a unified way.   1. Special administrative measures for foreign investment access. "Negative List of Foreign Investment Access" Outside the field, in accordance with the principle of consistency between domestic and foreign investment management. The "Negative List of Foreign Investment Access" lists the cancellation or release of some areas 2. During the transitional period of wide access restrictions, System. After the expiration of the transition period, the admission limit will be cancelled or relaxed on time. 3. Overseas investors shall not be as individual industrial and commercial households, Investment in sole proprietorship enterprises People, members of farmers' professional…
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Foreign Investment Law Chapter 6

Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions Article 40 If any country or region adopts discriminatory prohibitions, restrictions or other similar measures on the People's Republic of China, the People's Republic of China may take corresponding measures against the country or the region according to actual conditions. Article 41 If the State provides other provisions for foreign investment in the banking, securities, insurance and other financial industries, or in the securities market, foreign exchange market and other financial markets within the territory of China, such provisions shall be applicable. Article 42 This Law shall come into force on January 1, 2020. The Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises, and the Law of the People's Republic on Sino-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures shall …
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Foreign Investment Law Chapter 5

Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China Chapter V Legal Liability Article 36 Where a foreign investor invests in the areas, which are specified by the negative list for the admission of foreign-investment as prohibited areas, the relevant competent department shall order it to stop the investment activities, and dispose of the shares, assets or take other necessary measures within a specified time limit, and restitute to the status before the investment was made; If there is illegal income, it shall be confiscated. Where the investment activities of a foreign investor violates the special management measures for the admission of foreign-investment regarding restricted areas in the negative list, the relevant competent department shall order the correction within a specified time limit and take necessary measures to meet the conditions set forth by the special management measures for the admission of foreign-investment; if no corrections have been m…
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Foreign Investment Law Chapter 4

Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China Chapter IV Investment Management Article 28 Foreign investors shall not invest in the areas where investment is prohibited under the negative list for the admission of foreign investment . Foreign investors shall meet the conditions set forth in the negative list for the admission of foreign investment to invest in the areas where investment is restricted under the negative list. Management of foreign investment in the areas beyond the negative list shall be implemented in accordance with the principle of equality between domestic and foreign investment. Article 29 If foreign investment is required to go through the approval or investment project record procedure, it shall be implemented in accordance with relevant provisions. Article 30 If a foreign investor invests in an industry or sector where legal permission is required for investment, it shall go through relevant licensing procedures i…
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Foreign Investment Law Chapter 3

Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China Chapter III Investment Protection Article 20 The State does not expropriate foreign investment. Under extraordinary circumstances, the State may expropriate and requisition the investment of foreign investors in accordance with the law and for the needs of the public interest. The expropriation and requisition shall be conducted in accordance with legal procedures and timely and reasonable compensation shall be given. Article 21 Foreign investors' capital contribution, profits, capital gains, assets disposal income, intellectual property license fees, legally obtained damages or compensation, liquidation proceeds, etc., may be freely remitted to overseas in RMB or foreign exchange according to law. Article 22 The State protects the intellectual property rights of foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises, protects the legitimate rights and interests of intellectual property rights holde…
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