Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China

Chapter V Legal Liability

Article 36

Where a foreign investor invests in the areas, which are specified by the negative list for the admission of foreign-investment as prohibited areas, the relevant competent department shall order it to stop the investment activities, and dispose of the shares, assets or take other necessary measures within a specified time limit, and restitute to the status before the investment was made; If there is illegal income, it shall be confiscated.

Where the investment activities of a foreign investor violates the special management measures for the admission of foreign-investment regarding restricted areas in the negative list, the relevant competent department shall order the correction within a specified time limit and take necessary measures to meet the conditions set forth by the special management measures for the admission of foreign-investment; if no corrections have been made within the time limit, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be applied.

Where the investment activities of a foreign investor violates the special management measures for the admission of foreign-investment in the negative list, in addition to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, it shall also bear corresponding legal liabilities under the law.

Article 37

If a foreign investor or a foreign-invested enterprise violates the provisions of this Law and fails to submit investment information in accordance with the requirements of the foreign investment information reporting system, the competent commerce department shall order it to make corrections within a specified time limit; if no corrections have been made within the time limit, a fine of more than 100,000 yuan and less than 500,000 yuan shall be imposed.

Article 38

Any violation of laws or regulations by foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises shall be investigated and dealt with by relevant departments in accordance with the law and recorded into the credit information publicity system in accordance with relevant provisions.

Article 39

If a staff of an administrative organ abuses his power, neglects his duties or engages in malpractices in the promotion, protection and management of foreign investment, or leaks or illegally provides others with trade secrets that he or she knows in the course of performing his duties, he shall be punished according to law; if he commits a crime, he shall be held criminally responsible.